UI that follows the camera
Let’s use a 3D sprite object instead of a GUI to display information, and make it always face the player, no matter which direction the player moves.

The image above shows the completed result.
You can see that the UI object continuously rotates to face the player, no matter which direction the player moves.
Add the UI Object to Display
If you press the My Asset button(1st) and the Upload button(2nd) to get the desired image and click it(3rd), you can see that the image has entered the object as shown in the screen below.

Adjust Size and Position
Adjust the appropriate size and position as shown in the picture below.

Write the Script Below
At this time, you need to change the UI object name produced above by referring to the script below.
// VR Option Setting
const avatar = REDBRICK.AvatarManager.createDefaultAvatar();
const camera = WORLD.getObject("MainCamera");
const followingCamera = avatar.setFollowingCamera(camera);
followingCamera.useVR({VRObject: avatar});
// Import UI Object
const followUI = WORLD.getObject("followUI");
function Update(dt) {
// Set to look at the player
followUI.lookAt(avatar.position.x, avatar.position.y, avatar.position.z);
You can see that the followUI updates to look at avatar through the lookAt function.
However, followUI.lookAt(camera.position.x, camera.position.y, camera.position.z)
in this case, it doesn’t work properly in VR, so you need to point it towards your avatar.
Run the Test
If you test it later, you can see that it works like the first screen.