SnippetVRExamplesPuzzle pressed in the right order

Puzzle pressed in the right order

Let’s create a puzzle that pressed in the right order, which is often used in VR content.


Above is the result of completion.
If you press the numbered box and press it in the correct order, all the boxes will disappear. If wrong, the password is reset again.

To add boxes object

Make 4 boxes using the asset in Redbrick Studio.


Add the UI Object to Display

If you press the My Asset button(1st) and the Upload button(2nd) to get the desired images(3rd).
And click it(4th), you can see that the image has entered the object as shown in the screen below.


Displaying through the Object UI

Adjust the appropriate size and position as shown in the picture below.
Through the above method, you can create a box number, password UI to display what you pressed, and hint UI as shown in the picture below.


Write the Script Below

At this time, you need to change the Box objects name produced above by referring to the script below.
(password1, password2 … puzzle1, puzzle2 …)

// VR Option Setting
const avatar = REDBRICK.AvatarManager.createDefaultAvatar();
const camera = WORLD.getObject("MainCamera");
const followingCamera = avatar.setFollowingCamera(camera);
followingCamera.useVR({VRObject: avatar});
const puzzles = []; // Puzzle box object list
const answer = [1, 0, 2, 3]; // answer list
let puzzleAnswer = []; // current input answer list
let passwordsUI = []; // puzzle UI object list
let currentClickNum = 0; // current input answer list length
let isChecking = false;
function Start() {
    // Save the password UI object in the array and set it to invisible at first.
    for(let i=1; i<=4; i++){
        let ui = WORLD.getObject("password" + i);
        ui.visible = false;
    for(let i=1; i<=4; i++){
        let object = WORLD.getObject("puzzle" + i);
    puzzles.forEach((puzzle, index) => {
        // each puzzle box is clicked
        puzzle.onClick(() => {
            if(isChecking) return;
            puzzleAnswer.push(index); // save in the list
            CheckAnswer(); // check answer
            // password * UI Set it to be visible
            passwordsUI[currentClickNum].visible = true;
            if(currentClickNum === 4){
                currentClickNum = 0;
function Init(){
    puzzleAnswer = [];
// check answer
function CheckAnswer(){
    if(puzzleAnswer.length >= 4){
        let isTrue = true;
        // Make sure they all match
        answer.forEach((ans, index) => {
            if(puzzleAnswer[index] != ans){
                isTrue = false;
        // If they all match
            // Set the puzzle box so that it doesn't show
            puzzles.forEach((obj) => {
                obj.visible = false;
            // if it doesn't match
            // Reset password list and password * UI invisible
            puzzleAnswer = [];
            isChecking = true;
            setTimeout(() => {
                passwordsUI.forEach((ui) => {
                ui.visible = false;
                isChecking = false;
            }, 500);

Run the Test

If you test it later, you can see that it works like the first screen.