StudioReplacing Assets

Replacing Assets

This section provides information on replacing assets.

Types of Assets

There are two main types of assets.

  1. 3D Objects: Objects like Camera, Spawn, Light, Effect, Mesh, Sound, and Video fall under this category.
    They have Transform properties such as position, rotation, and scale.

  2. GUI Objects: GUI objects are included here.
    They have Transform properties such as center, anchor, offset, and size.

replace-asset_asset-type Types of Assets

You cannot replace objects of different types.
Currently, Sound and Video cannot be replaced with any other type of asset. This will be added in the future.

Replacing Assets

First, the properties that will be retained when replacing assets are as follows:

  • Common
    • title
    • Parent
  • 3D Objects
    • Object Transform
  • GUI Objects
    • GUI Transform: anchor, offset(px)
    • Text: textInput, fontSize, fontColor

replace-asset_retained-property Properties Retained During Asset Replacement

Replacement Steps

Select the Asset to Replace

You can select the asset you want to replace from the Explorer tab or the Scene panel.

replace-asset_step-1 Select the Asset to Replace

Click More (…) on the Asset to be Replaced

In the asset library or My Assets, select the asset to be replaced and click on More.

replace-asset_step-2 Click More on the Asset

Click Replace to Replace the Asset

The replacement is complete! If it does not succeed, please refer to the related information.

replace-asset_step-3 Click Replace