Emitter & Particle Property
You can set the effect’s emission type (Preset), speed (Radial Speed), and angle (Radial Degree).
Emitter &
Particle Properties
Emitter Property
- Preset: Selects a pre-configured setup for the particle emitter.
- EmitAmount: Defines the range for the number of particles emitted. With
numbers. - EmitRate: Sets the rate at which particles are emitted.
Particle Property
- Texture: Allows you to add a texture to the particles by clicking the ’+’ button.
- ParticleLife: Specifies the lifespan of particles.
- ParticleMass: Determines the mass of the particles.
- RadialSpeed: Controls the speed at which particles move away from the center.
- RadialDirection: Specifies the direction of the radial movement using X, Y, Z coordinates.
- RadialDegree: Defines the spread of the particles in degrees.
Particle Behavior
Particle Behavior
AlphaStart: The initial transparency of the particles.
AlphaEnd: The ending transparency of the particles.
ScaleStart: The initial size of the particles.
ScaleEnd: The final size of the particles as they approach the end of their lifespan.
ColorStart: The initial color of the particles. The box would typically show the color.
ColorEnd: The final color of the particles. Particles will gradually shift to this color over time.
AttractionActive: A toggle to activate or deactivate attraction forces on the particles.
- Attraction: The direction of the attraction force, specified in X, Y, Z components.
- Attraction Force: The strength of the attraction force.
ForceActive: A toggle to apply an additional force on the particles.
- Force: The direction and strength of the force, specified in X, Y, Z components.
RandomDriftActive: A toggle to apply random movement to the particles.
- RandomDrift: The variability of the drift in each of the X, Y, Z directions.
SpringActive: A toggle to apply spring-like behavior to the particles.
- SpringDirection: The direction of the spring force, specified in X, Y, Z components.
- Spring Factor: The strength of the spring force.
- Spring Friction: Damping on the spring effect to reduce the oscillation over time.