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This class provides information about properties and methods related to audio.


The following properties and methods can only be used on an audio object retrieved using .getAudio().


const audio_obj = WORLD.getObject("audio_object").getAudio();;

Besides the information below, you can also utilize various properties and methods of THREE.Audio.



.isPlaying : Boolean

Returns whether the audio is currently playing.


.hasPlaybackControl : Boolean

Specifies whether playback can be controlled using methods like .play(), .pause(), etc. Default is true.



.getPlaybackRate() : Float

Returns the value of the playback rate.


.getVolume() : Float

Returns the current volume value.


.play(delay) : this

Starts playback if hasPlaybackControl is true.


.pause() : this

Pauses playback if hasPlaybackControl is true.
An audio that is paused will resume playback from the point it was paused when played again.


.setPlaybackRate(value : Float) : this

Sets the playback rate if hasPlaybackControl is enabled.


.setVolume(value : Float) : this

Sets the volume.


.stop() : this

Stops playback if hasPlaybackControl is enabled.
An audio that is stopped will start playback from the beginning when played again.