Create, Compete & Win at Redbrick Connect 2024! 🎉
AppendixTips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Save Your Work as a File

Save Your Work as a File Whenever You Make Important Changes


To avoid losing your project and to keep track of your progress, it is recommended to save as a file every time you make significant changes. Keep these files locally on your computer.

파일 열기 Save as file
  • This way, you can easily access previous versions and recover old code if needed.

  • This is especially important if your internet connection is unstable.

Use Assets from the Studio

To prevent lag and potential issues, it is recommended to use assets from the studio asset library. Using damaged or corrupted 3D assets can cause problems and may break your project.


Therefore, please use assets from the studio asset library or lightweight and simple 3D assets whenever possible.

Animation Tricks

To achieve high-quality results, it is better to use Tween for smooth animations.

const start = { y: 0 }; // Initial Y position
const end = { y: 2 }; // Final Y position
const tween = new TWEEN.Tween(start)
    .to(end, 100) // Set duration
    .onUpdate(() => {
        object.position.y = start.y; // Update object's Y position
    .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.InOut) // Apply easing for smooth transitions
    .repeat(Infinity) // Repeat indefinitely
    .yoyo(true); // Reverse animation on each cycle
    .start(); // Initiate the animation

Tween Easing Visualized Graph

Tween easing graph

Camera in Edit Mode

Camera Movement Change in Edit Mode

If you feel the camera movement using ‘W, A, S, D’ in editing mode is too slow, you can press the 9 key to toggle the speed.


Please note that if you press 9 again, the camera will move slowly. You can press it once more to return to normal speed.

Additionally, if you press Shift while moving the camera, you can speed up its movement.

Try VR

If you want to create and experience VR content but don’t have a VR headset, you can use a VR Chrome extension.


These extensions are only for Chrome. If you are using another browser, please search for an extension that works for you.


You can activate or deactivate comments for selected lines by dragging them and using window : Control + / mac : Command + /

options-image Drag the lines to enable or disable comments.

options-image Then use window : Control + / mac : Command + / to toggle comments.