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SnippetMaking Object Always Face Target

Making an Object Always Face a Specific Target

Making an Object Always Face the Player

This can be easily implemented using the .lookAt() method.

const obj = WORLD.getObject("object");
function Update(){
    obj.lookAt(PLAYER.position.x, PLAYER.position.y, PLAYER.position.z);

Making an Object Always Face the Player (Rotate Only on Y-axis)

There are two methods.
The first method uses .lookAt() to make the object face the player and then sets the x and z rotation values to 0.
The second method calculates the direction vector and rotates only the Y-axis.

Making an Object Always Face the Camera

This can be easily implemented using the .lookAt() method.

const obj = WORLD.getObject("object");
const camera = WORLD.getObject("MainCamera");
function Update(){
    obj.lookAt(camera.position.x, camera.position.y, camera.position.z);

Making an Object Always Face the Camera (Using Sprite)

If the object you want to face the camera is an image, you can use the Sprite provided by Three.js.

const image = WORLD.getObject("image"); // Get the image object added to the scene
const sprite = new THREE.Sprite(new THREE.SpriteMaterial({map:})); // Create a Sprite object with the image
sprite.position.set(10, 5, 10); // Set the position of the sprite
sprite.scale.set(5, 3, 1); // Set the scale of the sprite
WORLD.add(sprite); // Add to the world for rendering